Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Camille - Le fil

Camille's 2005 album Le fil is something like an avant-garde pop album. I fell in love as soon as I heard it; her voice is so haunting and the music is so strange and lovely, it was hard to understand exactly what I was hearing. basically, Camille is like Bjork but in French and less weird but still a little weird but also really good. seriously.

Le fil is built around one note that drones throughout the entire album, beginning at the first song and finally dropping off at the end of the last. this is what the album is named after - the drone is the thread, or le fil, that unites all of the songs and integrates flawlessly. all of the songs in the record are based on the exploration of the voice, with only a double bass or double bass and keyboard as accompanying instruments (thanks be to almighty wikipedia for this helpful nugget of knowledge). and Camille does it beautifully: her voice creates a lush background of chirps, beats, thumps, pops, hums and growls.

also, she is naked and wrestling sentient yarn in this video, which is generally pretty awesome.

Camille - Ta Douleur



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