Bonobo's "Animal Magic" is one of the best chillout albums ever. it's quirky and catchy and really charming, with really amazing sampling and beautiful instrumentation, in addition to really good beats. it's one of those records that gets repeated plays over a long period of time and never stops being good. a little bit Books-esque. the light-hearted track "Terrapin" is a favorite.

Bonobo - Animal Magic
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Casino Versus Japan make dream-pop/electronica masterpieces, a bit like Plaid (in their more docile moments), or Boards of Canada. sleepy, strange, a little alien, and overall rather lovely.
Casino Versus Japan - Whole Numbers Play the Basics
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The Dodos are a two-man band made up a guy who taught himself to finger-pick beautiful folky melodies or dirty bluesy riffs, and his sidekick, a drummer who creates wonderfully complicated percussion and wears tambourines for shoes. I cannot say enough amazing things about this band - I adore them. they are like a more honest, pared-down version of Plants & Animals but also way better and holy crap seriously just download it. it's so good. I mean it.
The Dodos - Visiter
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and now, I depart. farewell, internets. until next time.
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