Plants and Animals sound a bit like the Polyphonic Spree crossed with Sufjan Stevens and fellow Canadian indie folk band
The Acorn (whom I love and will probably be posting about later). I don't really know quite how to describe their sound except as
folk-esque: obvious folk influences with some charming '60s pop vocal harmonies, a few remarkably danceable bass lines, and twinkling (yes, twinkling) guitars. maybe "indie folk pop rock cuteness that really isn't cute but more badass in a really cute way" describes them better? I am not really sure yet.
my personal favorite song on this album is the adorably beautiful ode to youth "New Kind of Love" - it starts out with quietly whispered vocals and acoustic guitars, and then builds layers until it morphs into a bona fide rock-out, with a wailing chorus and some surprisingly fierce drumming for a folk record.

Plants and Animals - Parc Avenue
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